Demand transparency and accountability

Demand transparency and accountability

Friday, June 26, 2009

Demand, and not beg for, what is rightly ours

Taiwanese should demand, not beg for, what is rightly ours such as fairness, justice and human rights. Look at these numbers of unfairness and injustice, as of today:
  • 蔡丁貴教授 等2008年10月25日立法院開始靜坐 to request a real referendum law, 距今 244
  • 李慶安2008年3月12日遭踢爆雙重國籍, 距今 471
  • 貓纜2008年10月1日Stonewall investigation , 距今 268
  • 柯建銘2008年8月9日控告馬英九叛國, 距今 321
  • It has been 227 days since President Chen Shui-Bian was put in jail on Nov 11, 2008
To watch the last number grow, visit Demand immediate release of former President Chen.

Taiwanese keep on begging for their referendum rights and KMT keeps on saying no, ever since it came to Taiwan 60 years ago. We keep on begging for the most basic of a judicial system: fairness, and KMT ignores and stonewalls us. We beg that it treats 馬英九 and 李慶安 the same way it treats 陳水扁, 謝清志, 蘇治芬, 蘇治芬... It responds with open lies like this: 北院:司法獨立不受影響. There is no shame or scruple for KMT to say anything contradicting to facts and defying logic and common sense. KMT has been free to do anything and has not been held accountable to people.

Starting now, stop begging and demand what is rightly ours. Make KMT accountable to people it rules!

蔡英文、李遠哲連署要求放扁 北院:司法獨立不受影響

更新日期:2009/06/25 18:15 呂采千


民進黨主席蔡英文25 日偕同律師顧立雄、黃瑞明召開記者會,指出羈押陳水扁的合理性及正當性已不存在,現行羈押制度已嚴重傷害司法人權,若現在不改革,未來就會後悔。她強調, 扁案已成為社會對立焦點,反而更能讓司法產生改革的動力。蔡英文:『(原音)這個事情我也跟李遠哲院長反覆討論過,我們要喚起這個社會對(司法)這個事情 的覺醒,產生一個推力。我們的司法制度,尤其是在羈押制度上要有重大的變革,而且我們要很快的來行動。』

民進黨也公開一份「改革羈押制度、 落實司法人權、停止羈押陳前總統」的聲明書,獲得包括李遠哲、蔡英文、中研院院士陳建仁、中研院研究員瞿海源、蕭新煌等10位學者簽名響應。聲明書中指 出,陳水扁未約束家人行為、財務公私不分,並且匯錢到海外,令選民失望,但保障陳水扁的司法人權仍是社會共同價值。民進黨除了將拿著這份連署聲明書拜會總 統府、司法院及法務部,並發動一人一信,寫信給馬英九總統外,還會向各國駐台使節表達聲援陳水扁司法人權的主張。


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