Demand transparency and accountability

Demand transparency and accountability

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Taiwanese are slaves of their servants

Taiwanese elected legislators who then denied them basic rights including a proper referendum law. Taiwanese, at the mercy of the KMT controlled Legislative Yuan, had been given a referendum law, after long and hard struggle. The referendum law was so crafted that nothing could ever pass. It is known as a bird-cage referendum law.

The KMT legislators (the servants) also deny citizens the rights to know what they are doing in their meetings. 公民監督國會聯盟:

立法院法制局為議事上網公開草擬「立法院會議錄影錄音管理規則修正案」及「立法院網際網路多媒體隨選視訊系統使用及管理要點制定案」,規定會議實況 的影音訊號,不得作為任何形式的商業廣告,或具選舉、政治目的之使用;國民黨團要求作成附帶決議,要求特種委員會(包括程序委員會、修憲委員會等)之會議 實況暫不上網公開。



In theory, legislators are citizens' servants. In reality, citizens are legislators' slaves. Masters lose rights to decide their future because their servants won't allow it. They cannot even know what their servants are doing, again because their servants just won't allow it.

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